Here are some hidden options for the desktop (in your browser) Netflix player. It is possible that they can disable or remove these.
Don’t forget people: the following shortcuts (switch Option for Alt for Mac) toggle information displays on/off when the player is NOT in full-screen mode. The displays will remain on, however, if full-screen mode is activated.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M – Menu; includes loading custom .dfxp sub-title files.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C – Codes; frame rate plus other (unknown to me) info. Also makes the other overlays green.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+D – Display A/V Stats on-screen
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L – Logging window
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P – Player info
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R – toggle color Rotation for overlays in Chrome; probably a debugging feature.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S – current Streaming bit-rate and manual bit-rate selection