Netflix Debug / Diagnostic / Hidden Feature Keys

By Paul

Here are some hidden options for the desktop (in your browser) Netflix player. It is possible that they can disable or remove these.

Don’t forget people: the following shortcuts (switch Option for Alt for Mac) toggle information displays on/off when the player is NOT in full-screen mode. The displays will remain on, however, if full-screen mode is activated.

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M – Menu; includes loading custom .dfxp sub-title files.

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C – Codes; frame rate plus other (unknown to me) info. Also makes the other overlays green.

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+D – Display A/V Stats on-screen

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L – Logging window

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P – Player info

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R – toggle color Rotation for overlays in Chrome; probably a debugging feature.

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S – current Streaming bit-rate and manual bit-rate selection